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Showing posts from April, 2019

Remembering The Catcher In The Rye

Jejak Panda Selamat Datang Kembali Di Blog Kesayangan Anda bandar ceme My cell phone rang last Wednesday while I was getting coffee. It was a student who wanted to know if I had heard that J.D. Salinger had died. As the day went on, several more former students contacted me to express their sadness at his death, or to speculate about unpublished work that might exist. Several of us spent that evening posting our favorite quotes from The Catcher in the Rye on one another’s facebook walls. I loved The Catcher in the Rye and the Glass family novels from the moment I read them as a anabawang and senior in high school, and I loved teaching Catcher and the stories from Nine Stories to my students. I never knew Catcher to fail with any students, high school or college, male or female, low level or high. One year I couldn’t find enough copies in the book room, but the students had heard so much about the book and wanted so badly to read it that they found copies on their parentsâ

Snow Days

Jejak Panda Hai.. Bertemu Lagi Di Website Kesayangan Anda situs bandarq Last night I thought it would be fitting to write about snow days. That idea seems moot since the big storm missed us. I just plowed my and my elderly neighbors’ driveways, even though the snow is still coming down and I will just have to do it again tomorrow. I was hoping we were going to get hit with a lot of snow, that I could spend the day outside with the kids. I thought we’d build a snow fort at the back of the driveway where my plow had piled up snow, and then go down to Windham Center School and sled on the hill in back. Not so. We were able to drive across town to our friends’ house—also teachers with young kids—to drink coffee and let the kids run around. If they were disappointed to not have more snow, they didn’t show it. Last time we had a storm, Cormac asked me to build a fort. I spent an hour shoveling and packing and then hollowing out a cave. He played in it for twenty minutes

The Bad News First

Jejak Panda Selamat Membaca Di Situs Kesayangan Anda judi bandarq online Spring Meeting The administrative end of things is not my favorite part of being CWP director. I would much rather be teaching or writing. But someone has to do the administrative work. Likewise, when I write this column I enjoy writing about teaching and about students and teachers. I don’t usually enjoy writing about things like policy. However, I have to mention this week that President Obama has made proposals that would radically alter the way NWP sites are funded, and should his anjuran go through, the national infrastructure for the NWP would lose funding, and all 210 individual sites would have to complete with other educational entities for federal block grant funds. Sites could wind up competing against each other and/or against other educational entities, like their own departments of higher education or host universities. For instance, because our site is housed in the English Department of th

Welcome To The Twenty-First Century

Jejak Panda Selamat Datang Di Blog Kesayangan Anda Dan Selamat Membaca bandarq terbaik My first experience with a computer took place in 1977, when I was in the second grade. I was placed in a gifted and talented jadwal that had Saturday classes at a local high school. A bunch of elementary school kids were piled into a computer lab where we learned how to jadwal in BASIC. At the end of each class we were allowed to play rudimentary video games like Pong. Do you remember Pong? Just a blip on the screen moving back and forth and you and a partner each had control of a longer, more stationary blip that you could move to prevent the floating blip from getting past you for a score, sort of like air hockey on a video screen. Other than Atari video games and arcade games, I don’t think I touched a computer after that till my freshman year of high school. Mine was the first entering class to be required to take a computer course. This was 1983. The class met in a small lab. It was

What Makes A Good Teacher Good?

Jejak Panda Hallo Jumpa Lagi Kita Di Website Ini judi bandarq When I finished my MA, I really wanted to remain in California. I wanted to move to San Francisco, but I had no job and no savings, and housing in the Bay Area was exorbitant. In short, I wound up applying for jobs back in Connecticut. But since this was before wide-spread use of the internet, I had to write the State Department of Education for a listing of all school districts and addresses, and I proceeded to mail a version of a single letter to all one hundred and sixty nine districts in the state of Connecticut expressing an interest in a job teaching high school English. I used my grandparents’ Madison address as a return address. Then I drove cross country in my old Hyundai Excel, got an apartment in the west end of Hartford, and a job waiting tables at a country club in Simsbury. Worst job I ever had, but that is clearly another story. And I waited for calls for interviews. Over the next several weeks, I go