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Showing posts from February, 2019

Poetry Of The Socially Networked

Jejak Panda Hai.. Jumpa Lagi Di Blog Kesayangan Anda ceme online terbaik Two years ago we held the New England Writing Projects Annual Retreat at Whispering Pines in Rhode Island. It’s a beautiful facility. Old cabins along a lake beneath tall pines. We spent the days in professional development workshops, learning from one another. But come eight o’clock when the last workshop ended, it was truly Whispering Pines. There was no town. There was no pub. There was no television. I think they even gated the compound. It was a little too secluded for me. Most (OK, all) of my colleagues turned in early. I did, too, and in truth got up early and went for a nice run. Last year we held the retreat at the Hotel Northampton in Northampton, Massachusetts. It’s a great hotel, and I love the town. There are art galleries, coffee houses, bars and restaurants, book stores, a hot tub place. It’s just a cool town. So we had our workshops and our dinner, and then night time arrived

Education And Its Alternatives

Jejak Panda Hello.. Selamat Datang Kembali Di Blog Kesayangan Anda bandar judi ceme Now that they are finishing up the spring semester of their ingusan year, my students in the Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers class have begun to apply what they have learned in their education courses and clinical placements to their own classes. They have begun to meta-analyze the teaching practices of their own professors, and the first few minutes of every class end up being an interesting lembaga for their own discussion of the merits and often the demerits of many of their professors. Sometimes this devolves into a mere gripe session that I have to squash, but often it provides a fruitful analysis and discussion of the pedagogies of the men and women they are supposed to be learning from. Yesterday’s discussion was especially insightful. For me, yesterday’s conversation came at an interesting time for a number of reasons. One reason is that we are at the end of the semester an

Arts And Athletics

Jejak Panda Kembali Bertemu Lagi Di Blog Ini, Silakan Membaca bandar ceme 99 I hated playing Little League Baseball as a kid. I sort of liked soccer, and wrestling was OK the year I did it, but by and large I was not into organized sports. I was not good at them, I got little playing time, and they were a source of conflict with my more athletic friends who liked to brag about their prowess and tease those of us who didn’t play well. I was a good reader and writer. I won the award for Best Artist at my middle school graduation. I played guitar from the age of seven—first classical, then blues and rock, and later jazz. But I always tried to fit in as an athlete. I tried swimming, cross country, and track and field. I even did karate at the YMCA for one lesson. I did summer baseball camp for two years. But I was just not a good athlete. In high school I completely abandoned art and music, and joined the football team. Just about anyone could make the football team if you s

Steal This Book!

Jejak Panda Selamat Datang Dan Selamat Membaca play bandarq Last week I collected term papers from my undergraduate students in the Advanced Composition course. One of the women in the course wrote about a time during high school when she fell in love with Gabriel García Márquez. It was the spring semester of her senior year. One day she went to the school library to see what they had by García Márquez, and she discovered a book that hadn’t been checked out in over a decade. On a whim, she stole the book. The weather was beautiful and she was suffering from a serious case of senioritis, so she skipped class and snuck out to the parking lot to stretch out on the hood of her car and read Love in the Time of Cholera . I love that story. I told her that it made me want to be nineteen again so I could meet that girl. But the story also made me think that, despite the fact that there are several things she did that were ostensibly wrong—stealing a book and cutting class—my s